
People are Fed-up!

Posted: Wednesday October 06 2021 @ 11:35am

Category: Political

The pun is intended. Mr. President, the people of this nation are not as stupid as you hoped they would be. They have seen through your schemes, your political lies, your lame promises, and your numerous failures. They realize that your ideas and desires are not in our best interest. The tide is about to change, unless you do. This election year, all those up for re-election who support your socialistic plans and back your big-government agenda will be voted out of office in November. The American people want nothing to do with National Health care, they want their security back, and they want to believe that the interests of Washington are the same as the majority, not the minority. One of the most traditionally left-wing states has just voted in a constitutionalist--an unheard-of right-wing senator from Massachusetts. This is a clear message, Mr. President. Shrug off the hold that power-hungry socialists and humanist have on you, and start really listening to the vast majority of the American people, not the loud irrational few that think of only themselves.

I'm Been Franklin


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