
Posted: Wednesday October 06 2021 @ 11:35am

Category: Political

Memorial Day weekend is typically spent as a primary 3-day recreational family and friends event. Sometime during those 3 days, we make a trip out to the cemetary to put flowers on a grave of a lost loved-one or a soldier. The holiday was originally planned as a day to honor those who died in defense of this country.
Today, we have made a mockery of the honor and memory of these fallen heroes. They initially fought to give us this nation, and then throughout the years have fought to keep it, and the principles it was founded on as a strong example and image of what we represent. So what was this thing, this driving motivation that put countless men and women in harms way? What was so dear that they would give their lives to preserve? As the Declaration of Independence states, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In a word freedom. So why, as a nation, do we spit on their graves? Why as a nation do we dishonor these heroes of before by casting aside those very things? They fought for the right to be a Christian without fear of the government telling them they are potential terrorists and hate mongers; to practice their faith in their lifestyle and all they do, not just in the privacy of their home or church building. They fought for the right to decide whether to be successful, or poor, without government intervention. They fought for the right to buy whatever car one wishes, regardless of what some misinformed environmentalist believes, or what emmission regulations are put in place, and regardless of whether it gets good gas mileage or not. The USSR dictated who and what kind of auto could be purchased--we're not like that, are we? They fought for a pursuit of happiness that was not mandated, regulated, and provided by a governing body, a body which thinks they know what is best for us. They fought for the right to eat whatever we wanted, irregardless of what the FDA or any other regulation deems "good food" or not. They fought for the right to own firearms and ammunition without being micromanaged and accountable for every round and primer used. Firearms that could be used for livelyhood, recreation, protection, and most importantly (per the 2nd Ammendment) the ability to rise up against an oppressing government that over-taxes, over-dictates, and over-controls.
If you want to really honor memorial day, then tell this government that stands against everything that was fought for that you won't tollerate their control, their manipulation, and their oppression. We have sold ourselves back into slavery to a select few who think they know how to run our lives better then we do. While we still have the right to vote (that could be taken away as well, people), remove these socialist from their lofty perches, and make the government start working for us again, instead of us working to maintain this monstrous beast they have raised.

I'm Been Franklin.


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